Living into our Potential: Bringing the Sacred into our Lived Reality
One of my most touching, memorable moments in Egypt was in Abydos. Rural, remote... Abydos is home to Seti I Temple - the oldest known temple in Egypt and the most spiritually potent & powerful place I've ever been.
The surrounding village is deeply impoverished, hazy and dusted over with desert sands and decaying buildings. As our bus rumbled and tumbled over the chaotic, sandy main road through, I scrolled through my phone and news back in the United States.
There was a billionaire waving a chainsaw, gleeful and callously celebrating destroying the livelihoods of public servants, international aid workers and veterans. There was a president, threatening and bullying our friends and allies, leveraging and squeezing the vulnerable and punishing the blameless in a display of mutually destructive, dominating arrogance.
I glanced out the window and a young boy - maybe 6 or 7 - caught my eye. He was playing soccer on his own, practicing his moves, darting side to side and smoothly kicking a small, broken plastic container. No soccer ball... he was playing with a piece of trash.
When he saw us, he - along with all the other children in the village - came pouring into the street, running alongside the bus. Americans!! Americans!! Some beaming huge smiles, some shyly waving, but all of them looking at us - excited, staring, embracing us - with a beautiful joy and warmth and wonder. "LADY! How are you?!" they shouted, proud to use their few english words. "Hiiiii! HOW ARE YOU?!"
And it brought tears to my eyes to see these beautiful children of all ages and sizes see us - Americans! - the way we CAN be. In their eyes I saw a reflection of hope and promise, a vast well of generosity and possibility. In their eyes I was transported out of the dark, despairing Meta-verse and into everything I love about being an American - wildly hopeful, full of ridiculous dreams, brimming over with optimism, fiercely protective of freedom, and holding out the strength of an open heart - open arms - open hands - in a world of closed fists.
In that moment I realized that it's critical now - more than ever - that all of us who resist, who rebel, who do not stand for the cruel, harsh arrogance and greed represented by this administration, that we live, speak and visibly express ourselves... show what we stand for, and live up to the way these children see us.
We resist with our hopefulness, with our generosity, by staying open-hearted, protective of the vulnerable, and continuing to foster relationships and friendships around the world. We resist by removing and redirecting our attention, resources, investments and allegiance to support those people, small businesses, and community organizations doing GOOD in this world. We resist by being a living antidote in our everyday lives: when they bully, we support and champion, when they sneer and dominate, we welcome and empower, when they cheat & leverage to serve an endless greed, we hold integrity and a hand out to steady & share.
For as long as these bizarre, mutually harmful and colossally destructive tariffs seek to needlessly harm and punish our friends to the north and south, we’ll be offering 25% off our Global Community Membership to everyone from Mexico and Canada. Just email us at, send us a cute photo of you with your ID/passport and we’ll send you your special coupon code.
Big love to you all! - it’s great to be home. 💋