Microdosing: Come for the Symptoms❤️🩹/Stay for the Soul❤️🔥
I'd been working with *Cam in one of my 1:1 containers for about a year when at the start of a session he said, incredulously: "Why isn't everyone doing this? I'm better in just about EVERY way. I mean, I'm kind of glad, because I feel like I have this secret advantage over everyone right now."
😂 Truth.
Cam is a high-level leader, CEO and frequent negotiator in both the private company and public/government spheres. He originally came to microdosing practice to support drinking less alcohol, enhancing his cognitive function and performance, and reduce stress-related anxiety from working in high-stakes situations. But a year later he reported he not only received all the benefits and symptom-cessation he was hoping for, he also noticed his ability to negotiate & make deals up-leveled tremendously, was now highly aware of what the parties & people were thinking and feeling before they said it, could sense immediately when people were lying, and seemed to develop an ability to 'see around corners and through walls.'
When he spoke publicly to large crowds or conferences, he said the words just moved through him, almost effortlessly. In previous speeches and talks, he’d felt the need to rehearse for hours, to memorize… but now he said his words flowed through him, almost as if they were channeled, beyond the mind. He could read a situation and room in an instant, and was in awe of how much faster the soul’s knowing was compared to his formerly overworked strategic mind. Now - next for him - was to further deepen and develop his connection to spirit and his soul, recognizing when we source, strengthen, lead and expand from that place… the mind, body and external reality follows.
The vast majority of people come to microdosing initially to help solve or fix symptoms: brain fog, nervous system dysregulation, headaches, cognitive decline, alcohol dependency, depression, anxiety and disrupted sleep. But once they receive relief from their symptoms by getting underneath - down to the root of the symptom - they discover there is so much more that is possible. Our modern models for healing have only scratched the surface of what we are capable of - superficial fixes that often not only fail to solve the symptoms, but also keep people stuck at the surface… treading water, spending thousands of dollars on pills, treatments & supplements, fixating on the branches of their tree when instead they could be focused on the deep roots, the soil of their lineage, and the multi-layered forest surrounding their being in this lifetime.
When you begin a microdosing practice - even if you initially come for the symptoms - you’ll likely stay for the soul. It’s like climbing to the top of a hill - thinking that’s as far as your life can go - but once you get to the top you can see this vast, enormous vista that goes on and on forever. All of a sudden your previous experience of life - your symptoms, your identity, your stories - feel strangely small and less serious, in hindsight, as you see endless expansion, possibility and ascension before you.
Sourcing from this place of felt understanding - leading, creating, building, speaking, deciding from this place - profoundly shifts our lives in every possible way. We no longer need to “go” anywhere outside of ourselves to experience the feeling… it simply becomes who we are.
Ready to Begin?? — Explore, commence or deepen your Microdosing Practice with our Global Microdosing Community, our Spring Microdosing Immersion (April 17-May 22) or individual 1:1 work with Kayse - Learn more HERE.