Tips for Setting Powerful Intentions, by Carmen Silva of Ki/Om Coaching
To welcome the New Year, we’re revisiting and grounding into our intentions and commitments to our practice and healing… Please enjoy these tips for Powerful Intention setting by one of our coaches, Carmen Silva of Kim/Om Coaching. Happy New Year!
Root your intention in humility and gratitude. Approach the medicines with reverence. Remember that intentions are not requests or expectations. Avoid, “I want xyz...” Give the
medicines room, allow them to guide you.
Hold your intentions lightly and leave space for things to evolve and happen in their own divine timing. Do not force from ego or desire, instead be open, allow, and receive.
Intentions are about asking and then letting go without attachment, knowing that whatever you receive is exactly what you need most in that moment.
Listen deeply to set your intention. Ground yourself in nature, create spaciousness, surround yourself in beauty, practice meditation or do some mindful breathing. These and other practices will help you hear your deepest intentions.
Involve your body, and your entire being in setting and working with your intention. On your microdosing days, take a moment, breath deeply and allow your intention to permeate your body before you take your dose.
Set your intentions in the present tense. This creates immediacy and gets you into the present moment.
State your intention in the positive. Avoid “I don’t want.”
Stay with your intention. Work with it throughout your practice and allow it to support you when times are difficult.
Use a journal to track your intentions over the weeks or months of your practice, and reflect on any shifts or insights around that intention.
Consider setting an intention that is bigger than yourself- an intention that has the potential to ripple out and positively influence the people around you and the world you live in.
Commitments go hand in hand with powerful intentions. As you work with your intention, ask yourself what commitments you are prepared to make to support your medicine practice.