Deconditioning, and Re-Defining our Lives

One of the most potent gifts of entheogenic medicines is their ability to disrupt our conditioned ways of thinking - ‘shaking up’ the snow globe of our minds, inviting more flexibility and neuroplasticity, encouraging expansion and open-mindedness, helping us dissolve heavy, outdated patterns, and growing beyond unsupportive behaviors and bonds.

In our entire lifetime, there has never been a more important time to hold our beliefs and conditioned patterns out for review and deeper examination. So many of the systems and institutions we’ve taken for granted - economic, academic, scientific, corporate - are actually, in reality, completely artificial, modern constructions. This realization can be deeply destabilizing to our human minds — after all, we exist in the bubble of a society that puts the mind front & center, strives for false certainty and homogenization, prizes rationality above all, and conditions us to fear change — it may feel scary or impossible to conceive of a different way of exchanging resources, learning skills and knowledge, organizing society and relating.

But all that changes with earth medicine practice.

Mushrooms dissolve density, conditioning and - above all - fear. And as they remediate and heal us - mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually - we can re-envision the coming changes with a sense of excitement, creativity, aliveness and trust. We can resource & fortify ourselves with faith and a deep sense of knowing ourselves, our gifts and unique purpose. With that foundation of strength, clarity and freedom, we can create, innovate, guide energy and build the future of our lives & culture with love, not lack.

When we microdose & work with mushrooms, what are we de-conditioning from?

  • Limiting beliefs passed down to us from our parents and ancestral lineage

  • Toxic relationship patterns that bind us to trauma-loops

  • Low self-worth and lack of confidence due to stories we’ve been told

  • Childhood wounds, traumas, abandonments & betrayals

  • Identifying ourselves as a victim, disconnected, helpless, a diagnosis or disease

  • Narratives of scarcity, limitation, lack, greed, aggression and defensiveness

  • The “small self” - operating from ego, jealousy, self-centrism, immaturity

When we free ourselves from the constraints of our limiting beliefs, what is possible for us?? When we are free to re-design our lives, how will we work, learn and relate differently? What will it mean for our culture when a critical mass of people step into this new frequency of consciousness? I believe it will come to initiate:

  • A new era of creativity, individuality, arts and expression

  • A redefinition and new meaning of family, marriage, and parenting

  • A new emphasis on healing, soul work, self-awareness & emotional intelligence

  • Identifying ourselves as innately whole, sovereign and living potential… with coaching, therapy & guideship pointing toward our future possibility vs. stories of the past

  • Empowering and entraining our minds with gratitude, flow, generosity, gentleness, and curiosity

  • The “greater self” - operating from spirit, magnanimity, integrity, maturity

Mushroom practice helps us “die before we die” — it invites us into the realizations that we otherwise so often don’t encounter until me must: What do we value? What truly matters? And how do we create and design our lives around those qualities, characteristics and beings?

It takes bravery and requires courage to step onto an undefined path, to surrender and let go, and trust in the space-in-between the notes of our lives. When we de-condition from everything we are not, our lives and directions become free… unencumbered by the past and free to walk the path that was always meant for us. Just as they do in nature, mushrooms decompose, strip away, remediate and alchemize our souls into their perfect, essential wholeness. Often their greatest gifts are the things that are taken away, released and given back to the earth… reconnecting us to our essence, clearing the canvas of our lives and making way for our beautiful becoming. Join us.


Behind the Scenes in our Microdosing Community


Ten Tips to Support Transformation