Ten Tips to Support Transformation
One of my most-very-favorite aspects of earth medicine practice, microdosing and healing is witnessing the transformation of people over time. Working with people over the course of weeks, then months… and often years, I get to see people literally grow and transform from the inside out, become more expansive and expressive, and full and radiant versions of themselves. As we upgrade our internal landscape, clear density, unwind karmic knots and up-level our resonance, the architecture of our exterior life shifts, too.
Medicine practice & nature have a remarkable way of summoning people on the cusp of deep growth and transformative expansion. You may not “know” it yet, but your spirit does! When your innate, eternal self is ready to grow and ascend, the rich soul work that lays the foundation will call you back to nature and turn your gaze inside. It always begins within.
Here are my ten fave tips, practices & attributes that will help you lean into transformation:
1 - Surround yourself with people who are growing, too! Part of the beautiful artistry of life is our ability to change, grow and transform over the course of our lives, attaining greater and greater states of equanimity, harmony, integrated wholeness, peace and wisdom. Courage is contagious, and if you surround yourself with people who are also growing and evolving - and celebrating that adventure! - you will also grow in turn.
2 - Create coherence in your energy field. Your energy is the foundation & source of everything you speak, feel and create for your life & our world. The more you create clarity and coherence in your own energy, the more your external world will come to reflect that, too. Some of my favorite practices that restore coherence to our energy field are bodywork, energy work, Reiki, Qigong, Tai Chi, yoga, breathwork, being in nature and near the ocean.
3 - Create space and room for your soul to b.r.e.a.t.h.e. In our overly-busy, overly-stimulated culture, modern society doesn’t embrace slowness, intentionality or space for reflection… but this is where growth happens — our inner soil must be able to breathe, create and hold the container for growth to unfurl. And if we don’t create space for ourselves, life has a way of creating space for us: burn-out, illness, and other challenges that feel like disasters but are secretly calling our souls toward rest and renewal. Just as you make time in your day for fitness, even ten minutes a day with yourself in contemplative practice will work magic.
4 - Be SEEN. Really SEEN. It breaks my heart to witness how many people move through life - decades of life - never feeling truly seen… but when they do: WOW - things can move fast! Very few of us received the spiritual recognition and support for our unique souls as children, and there are few things more transformative and healing than being seen, witnessed, recognized and loved simply for being ourselves. It’s incredible what can happen when we cross paths with the right community, mentor, friend, group, therapist, coach, colleague or guide at the right time. The familiarity and safety that creates in our spirits can move mountains, create healing and quantum leap our growth.
5 - Downshift and stabilize your nervous system. Calm is a super power! When your nervous system is healthy, strong, balanced and regulated we are able to stretch, expand and hold a higher vision for our lives. The stability that underpins our lives will always upper-limit our expansion. In a society that emphasizes speed and glorifies busy-ness for the sake of it, choose to swim at your own pace - at nature’s pace - and watch your life expand. While it’s counter-intuitive, when it comes to transformation, slowing down is what allows us to speed up.
6 - Seek Less, Be More. My spirit guide smiles often at me regarding this one — our human arrogance leading us to believe that all knowledge happens through our minds and our own human perspectives, experts talking, endless books, pontifications and ‘trying to figure it out.’ We hope and try very much that our quest for more and more information will bring about the transformation we seek, however - as most of us know - intellectual understanding is very different than embodied knowing. We can study and attempt to understand ourselves and others, but this so often falls short in achieving true healing and transformation. Cultivating BEING through presence, awareness, contemplation, stillness, body-based somatic practices, sensuality and development of our instincts, senses and intuition promise to provide us with a far greater, deeper, more lasting wisdom than the human mind alone.
7 - PLAY more! I was listening to a talk with EFT Tapping Expert Gala Darling this week, and she reminded everyone that it’s been scientifically proven that we retain and entrain new habits so much more readily if done in the spirit of play, joy and fun. Transformation and healing do NOT need to be hard work, drudgery or so gravely serious all of the time - in fact, our efforts and steps toward our healing are greatly enhanced if we’re laughing and having a blast along the way. Consider this your free pass and prescription to dance more, laugh more, play more and follow your charm - whatever it is in life that brings you so much happiness, effortlessly!
8 - Give it Time. We humans are SO impatient and SO endlessly hard on ourselves. We spend decades - lifetimes even - accumulating toxins, traumas, toxic relationship residue, limiting beliefs… yet somehow hold ourselves to the expectation of being miraculously healed during a 30-day challenge. Remember that we shift our frequency first - our emotions, minds and bodies - and then the world responds. I love witnessing individuals in our community not just at the end of six weeks… but six months, or six years later! Real, lasting, innate evolution tends to sneak up on us and accrue over time, not overnight. If you put in the small daily steps, practice with nature, entrain your mind, body and spirit to a healing path, you will surprise and delight yourself with the life that is possible for you in one year’s time.
9 - Up-level by Osmosis. That is, be near who and what you want to be. Get in the room with them. Be in their presence. Learn not only from what people say, but how they say it… how they hold space, how they do the little things, what they do when no one is watching. As a child, I was nearly always the weakest player on the team, the slowest on the relay, the youngest on the field, and most inexperienced on the stage. But here’s the thing: by being around greatness, we become a greater version of ourselves. Instead of fearing, disparaging, or being jealous of people who appear to have what you want, lean in and learn from them. Positioning yourself as ‘the best’ may serve your ego, but placing yourself in spaces that challenge you to grow will serve your destiny.
10 - Let it Be Ugly. The icky goo inside the chrysalis. The snake shedding its papery skin. Birth. Puberty. Menopause. Transformation is rarely neat or pretty! It’s more often weird, nonlinear, awkward and highly uncomfortable. Growth & transformation requires INITIATION, and the bigger the ascension the messier it can look from the outsider’s eye. Almost every spiritually advanced, old soul I know has gone through very challenging physical illnesses, emotional traumas, betrayals, deep grief and abandonment; seen in their lowest, most heart-broken moments you would never have guessed they would become the most radiant, vibrant, loving people they are today. Don’t judge yourself by where you are today. Hold the vision of your life, how you feel in your life, and let that guide how you think, act, speak, feel and see yourself today. You’re not down and out - you’re just molting. ;)
Can mushrooms and microdosing support & assist in your transformation?? Oh yes. But their magic is igniting what is alive and potent within YOU — what lights & fans the flame is your spiritual readiness to commit to your own transformational journey.
Is your soul ready? Join us! If you’re ready to step into a fresh experience of life, relationships and yourself, I invite you to apply to join us. See you inside.