Earth Medicine. Healing. Social Transformation.

What do Healing, Earth Medicines and Social Transformation have in common with one another?? Everything, actually…

One of the profound & oft-reported benefits within our microdosing community is a more Expansive Sense of Self & Awareness - we grow more fully into our skin, truly embodied, at peace and comfortable with who we are. A side-effect of growing more fully into ourselves is we come to require less from the outside world: less attention & approval, less "stuff," less artificial signifiers of identity, less distraction, less addiction, less taking from the world and the people around us. Less interested in staking claims on the world, and more interested in creating & contributing to it.

We become more aware of the natural reciprocity & rhythm inherent in life, and delighted to become part of its symphony - not the conductor.

Human greed and domination are cultural, learned narratives, and the more we heal & align with spirit, the more clearly we see these denser human tendencies are borne from fear, insecurity and living in separation from our eternal nature.

When we heal as an individual, that healing ripples out across generations - both forward and backward - to our families, children, communities and world. When we are healing and integrating - with dedicated practice - sharing, collaboration and mutual interdependence become a natural expression of our purpose, as normal as the distrust, hoarding and division we see all around us today. That transformation begins within.

As a society we are waking up to the idea that it all begins inside of us... up to each & all of us to heal so that we can reflect it back into our society: education, government, distribution of resources, health care and leadership. Healing - re-connecting with nature - inspires reciprocity, creativity and generative, flowing resources, a diversity of voices and ideas, curiosity and a generosity of spirit. Nature inspires & reminds us of our essential humanity, and shows us what is possible when we re-discover it within.


The “Why” Behind My Work


Career Longevity