No Regrets: Holding our Past, Stepping into our Future

Over the last three years we have witnessed remarkable healing - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - inside our earth medicine community & group programs. When we attain newfound levels of health & well-being - sometimes after decades of 'working on ourselves,' investing in trainings and programs, and dedicating ourselves to healing practices - it can be an unexpectedly bittersweet moment for some...

The breakthroughs, joys and epiphanies are often accompanied by a surprising sadness, heartache and regret for all the years spent in pain, making decisions from a former sense of ourselves, or confused about who we are. When we discover clarity in our power & purpose, elevate our perspective, and experience deep peace, it can be a little heartbreaking to hold that awareness alongside regret over our past.

But here's the thing: Again and again I see the people who have the most profound experience of medicine practice are the people who have - over the course of many years - set a rich foundation for the healing to come. Every training, every practice, every minute spent healing & growing: everything, all of it counts. Nature and spirit see us - see all the intentional, tiny steps we've taken toward our own healing - and shower us with gifts in return.

Even when we wonder "if anything was happening?"... "was studying that healing modality worth it?"... "were those years in therapy a waste?" - nature & spirit see the deep value in all of it, even when we couldn't see it for ourselves.

Lately many people are expressing a sensation of regret, but you would not be where you are now - Healing, Whole, and Bravely stepping into your beautiful creative life and future - if it weren't for all the moments and years you were quietly, faithfully and patiently investing in your growth & healing.

The gorgeous blossom you see today began unseen and unnoticed in the soil - vulnerable, in the dark, in the mud - and would not be the glorious being it has become without its devoted source & roots. Your life is no different --- your past & experiences serving as rich compost --- and making the beauty of today possible. It could not have happened any sooner, or more perfectly, because it brought you right here to where you are today. No regrets. 💖


Notes from the Field: Microdosing in this Modern Moment


The Energetics of Healing