The Butterfly Effect

🦋 THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT (And why you should just go for it!)

Over the course of my career it's been remarkable to see how frequently our fate hinges on the tiniest of moments.  A chance encounter.  A momentary conversation.  One fateful decision - or one leap of faith - can transform our life forever. ✨

Several years ago I had one of those moments in my own life. ⛰️ I was several miles into a solo hike when I heard an inner voice whisper "Kauai."  

At the time, this was an impossible suggestion - I was juggling an expanding business, experiencing every growing pain under the sun.  But the voice was solid and insistent:  Kauai.

So I pulled out my phone, tapped in a couple search terms, and moments later committed to traveling to Kauai.

In the fairy tale version of the story everything would have fallen seamlessly into place.  It most definitely did NOT. 😆 In fact, as soon as I made that commitment, it was like everything in my life began blowing up in rapid succession… providing dozens of logical and necessary reasons to cancel that trip.  But there was something so inexplicably necessary to my going that I resolved to go, even if everything went to hell in my absence (and, boy did it ever!)

But here's the thing:  That trip changed my life. ♥️ It was the first time I was given a clear glimpse of the future and my role in it.  The tough-love instructions of the portal I'd need to face and walk through to get there.  And on it I would meet the person who would catalyze the work I was meant to do in the world, even if it meant almost everything else would be lost in the process of that becoming.

✨The call of destiny is rarely convenient.  It's hardly ever familiar;  in fact it's often a little out there, random and risky.  And just when we've made the decision to stretch into possibility, the universe throws down all kinds of tests and barriers, tempting us back into our familiar reality, the convenient choice, the safe bet, the life of somedays and place-holders.

But our destiny so often lies on the other side of those moments in life when we're called by the illogical pulls we can't quite explain.  One of the things I love most about working with nature & earth medicine practice 🍄 is how it helps us remember this innately "knowing" part of ourselves - the part apart from science and reason and human logic.

One tiny, seemingly insignificant decision emanating from our heart can be the singular domino that sets off a chain reaction of events and unfurls the destined path of our lives.  When we take one courageous step into the unknown, the path opens up before us and our future - once foggy and unclear - comes into crystal clear focus.  💎 Like a butterfly opening its wings on the other side of the world, our tiny movements - made with intention, love and trust - ripple out and tell destiny:  It's Time.


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