🍄 Top Ten Reasons People are Coming to Microdosing

Since founding Microdosing for Healing in November 2020, it’s been fascinating to witness the growth & evolution of the elements drawing people into earth medicine practice and microdosing 🍄. For the curious, I thought it’d be fun to share what hopes & intentions are showing up most often in our program applications and intake calls over here so far in 2024.

  1. Spiritual Discovery, Connection & Exploration. Back in 2020-2021, I only rarely saw this on applications - now I see it very regularly! People feel more open and summoned than ever to explore their spirituality, other realms of existence, and receive the gifts of insight and guidance from spirit.

  2. Journey Preparation. I have LOVED seeing this more & more often. As more people learn, listen and get excited about psychedelic healing and its potential, they are wishing to gently and intentionally prepare for a journey in advance with microdosing, personal development work and lifestyle practices to lay a strong foundation and relationship with the medicine. This thoughtfulness and preparation shows deep respect for the medicines and creates the strong roots for a profound & lifelong relationship.

  3. Deep anxiety, the existential variety. Sensitive people are increasingly feeling the pain and mortality of the world - the destruction of so much of the natural world & extinctions within the animal kingdoms - manifesting in a sense of physical density, energetic heaviness, and pervasive grief & anxiety they can’t put their finger on. Microdosing within community can support our re-connection to the natural world and - quite literally - ease the sense of separation and disconnection.

  4. Integration of Big Psychedelic Journeys & Retreats. Increasingly, people are seeking out structured microdosing support for the integration of their journey experiences as well as to maintain and evolve their connection to the medicine. “Keeping the window open, the divine spark breathing & the flame alive.”

  5. Desire to Serve & Support the Healing of Others. More and more coaches, healers, bodyworkers and regular citizens are being drawn toward earth medicine practice and seeking personal experience, support and mentorship as they heed the call. They desire an opportunity to participate in the direct experience of a container, program and community exclusively dedicated to microdosing education & support.

  6. Professional Skills - Lots & lots of clinicians! We are seeing many nurses, physicians, psychotherapists and other clinicians stepping into practice to both support their own personal growth, healing, and (frequently) burn-out recovery as well as to add microdosing knowledge to their tool-kit as a resource for their patients and clients.

  7. Tapering off pharmaceutical medications. This motivation has regularly appeared on applications, but never before have I seen it so frequently! I think we are collectively waking up to the fact that many prescription drugs are only slightly effective for our symptoms while suppressing so many other vital elements of our humanity: our empathy and instincts, intuition and emotions, and access to spiritual connection & guidance. Many people wish to microdose within supportive containers in part to taper off sleeping medications and anti-depressants. (We have a fabulous podcast episode hatching next Friday that will delve into tapering in great detail - stay tuned! 👏)

  8. Fresh Symptoms/Old Wounds. Many people - particularly women - are experiencing a re-triggering of eating disorders, addictions, chronic viral infections, autoimmune disorders, anxiety & panic attacks and physical illnesses. Traumatic memories, betrayals, abandonments and flashbacks are surfacing in dreams and present-day circumstances or world events. In many cases, these fresh symptoms are indicative of old wounds, and are surfacing now to be faced, felt and held with love, compassion & healing. Many of our symptoms and conditions run a lifetime or lineage deep, and many beings are here on the planet at this time to be the pattern-breakers; we must feel it to heal it, and nature is our most wise, trusted and benevolent companion on the journey.

  9. A Greater Balance, in all the ways. Many people are realizing they are physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from being WAY out of balance for WAY too long. Working and hustling and grinding nonstop - with very little rest, joy, play or replenishment. Their emotions, digestion, energy, hormones, metabolism and feelings are jagged and incoherent, and they are way too entirely much in either their masculine or feminine energy. Experiencing heaviness, grief and sadness with very little laughter, lightness and hopeful possibility. Nature always, always seeks a balance in its rhythms and tides, and can do the same for us if we step into dedicated relationship.

  10. Bravery & Trust. Our most recent immersion program participants absolutely blew me away with their self-honesty, vulnerability, and willingness to face it all, feel it all, and keep moving forward through their process with compassion and presence. People stepping into practice are increasingly self-aware, trusting in themselves & nature, and willing to sit with the momentary discomfort - grief, fatigue, unraveling and the great unknown - that lasting, meaningful, significant growth requires. More and more of my applicants share, “I don’t know where I’m going exactly, and I don’t know what it’s going to look like… but I know in my bones that this life holds more for me than I’ve yet felt or experienced - so it’s time to get going.”

    Cheers to all of you coming to microdosing practice and supporting the healing of our world. Healing and evolving on behalf of our lineages is the bravest of work - celebrating all of you stepping onto this path of discovery and sharing your practice & hearts.


Fresh Symptoms, Old Wounds 🌎


Restoring Vibrant Physical Health