…Any of this Sound Familiar?

  • Have the last few years turned your life inside-out and upside-down?

  • Do you feel exhausted when thinking about returning to the life you had before or maintaining the status quo?

  • Are you as passionate as ever about creating a meaningful life, but feeling overwhelmed or confused?

  • Do you dream of finding a strong mentor, rich guidance and deep support to help you navigate and optimize your life in the transitional years ahead?

  • Do you crave community and connection with like-minded people where you can be vulnerable, give and receive support?

  • Do you feel frustrated and suffocated by our ineffective and exploitative profit-driven health care system, health insurance industry and pharmaceutical companies?

  • Is there a quiet voice inside you whispering that this moment of collective crisis for our human family and planet is a beautiful opportunity? Do you intuitively know you are meant to be a part of the immense growth and healing ahead for our human family?


…What if the answer was here all along & we are just re-discovering it now?

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Medicine For The Moment

  • We are about to embark on a Healing Revolution, when humans realize the limitations and short-comings of symptom-management, giving our power away and the expectation of being fixed by experts & pills.

  • Whole, healed people will lead by embodying and illuminating a path forward for people... inspiring and empowering individuals to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being.

  • Climate Change leaders predict we have only a decade from now to institute transformation on a grand-scale if our species is to survive --- while we heal ourselves, we will also be assisting planetary healing for all life and lands.

  • Those of us alive today are witnessing Human Evolution in real-time... with one foot in the past - a mechanistic, unnatural existence built upon toxic individualism, tribalism and separation - and one foot in the future - a cooperative, interdependent existence based on respect, reciprocity and natural balance.  Today, we straddle two realities... almost as if different species walking the earth. A unique and profound time to be alive!

  • This is our moment!  We need all Jedis on deck for this critical moment as we step across the arc of history and welcome a new age.  It is both our individual as well as our collective work to heal ourselves, embody wholeness and inspire transformation in ourselves and our communities.


Imagination and Intention.

Close your eyes and imagine the forest floor...breathing in the rich scent of soil and forest air... under your feet and all around you.  A diverse, interconnected and ever-changing ecosystem working with reciprocity and interdependence to create natural balance and optimize living potential.

Our human bodies, minds, and spirits are part of this living matrix and ecosystem... but in the mechanistic age of man we have forgotten this. This forgetting and loss of spiritual interconnection has manifested in epidemic experiencing of depression, anxiety, grief and maladaptation.

Imagine, now, a gift from nature that... 

  • Helps us effortlessly resource and regenerate ourselves

  • Enlightens and inspires us toward possibility and creation 

  • Deepens your personal healing, growth and ability to hold space for others

  • Expands your consciousness and ability to connect with others on a soul level

  • Up-levels your physical health, optimizes your cognitive potential and heals inflammation

What will wake us up from our living fog and remind us of who we are? The Natural World... the plants, the trees, the animals, the land.  The remedy has always been with us and now it is time to re-awaken to it.

“In the Western tradition there is a recognized hierarchy of beings, with, of course, the human being on top - the pinnacle of evolution, the darling of Creation - and the plants at the bottom.  But in Native ways of knowing, human people are often referred to as 'the younger brothers of Creation.”

“We say that humans have the least experience with how to live and thus the most to learn - we must look to our teachers among the other species for guidance.  Their wisdom is apparent in the way that they live.  They teach us by example.  They've been on the earth far longer than we have been, and have had time to figure things out.”

— “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

microdosing for healing mushroom Kayse Geheret

Entheogens - meaning "the divine within" - are that gift from nature...

  • Entheogenic, sacred earth medicines are naturally-occurring psychoactive compounds derived from plants and mushrooms

  • Entheogens had been utilized with reverence by humans around the globe - across the span of history and diverse cultures - until the United States banned them in the 1960s... posing what the corporate forces of America perceived as a threat to the established order.

  • As the outdated and manufactured authoritarian systems collapse, we are re-discovering entheogen's capacity for natural regeneration and catalyzing our sense of discovery, imagination and potential.

Sacred plant medicines and mushrooms offer adaptogenic, entirely natural, and empowered healing.  We are collectively Breaking Down to Break Through. This is our moment - our Tipping Point - to step through the doorway of personally becoming better versions of ourselves and collectively more conscious human beings.

Motivations for Microdosing

Personal Development Work alongside Sacred Earth Medicine Practice... 

  • Enhances cognitive function and regeneration, brain and nervous system health, mental agility and focus

  • Sharpens memory, slows aging & degeneration

  • Improves and optimizes immune response

  • Increases awareness, openness and sense of connection

  • Deepens spiritual and contemplative practice

  • Assists personal development and exploration

  • Heals trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression

  • Enhances emotional resiliency, mood and energy

  • Raises your energetic frequency

  • Promotes creativity, problem-solving and productivity; lowers procrastination and indecision

  • Allows for more appreciation and gratitude

  • Improves listening and lowers defensiveness

  • Expands perspective and a more expansive way of experiencing the world

  • Encourages de-tribalization and minimizes 'othering'

  • Improves physical health, catalyzes healing and repair and lowers inflammation

  • Invites a stronger sense of self, purpose, voice and ability to manifest


How does Microdosing Work?

Microdosing is taking a series of very tiny doses (or "protocol") of entheogenic compounds... think ‘spiritual supplement’ rather than ‘drug.’

Microdosing is:

  • Subtle and adaptogenic, sub-perceptual... you will not feel altered or high.

  • Allows for more integration than full-scale journeys and enhances our lived experience of daily life and relationships.

  • On its way to becoming an FDA-approved treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD and trauma.

  • Not yet legal or decriminalized in most cities - its use requires discretion and care.

  • Scientific research and anecdotal experiences are growing exponentially and there is hope microdosing will soon be decriminalized for personal use.

  • Adaptogenic - Your intention is important...

  • Unique.  What will you feel?  Will you experience progression over time with additional protocols?  Each individual's experience will be unique and additive to the community's knowledge.

  • Greatly enhanced with therapeutic support, guidance, and witnessing by a healing guide and community.

  • Importance of setting, mind-set and expectations are influential so it is helpful to work with a professional with whom you can communicate your goals, hopes and apprehensions.

  • Importance of environment: current life-situation and circumstances are influential so it is important to be in a place in life when you are prepared to be engaged and present.


“We are now fully engaged in the Sixth Major Extinction (“6 X”) on planet Earth. Our biosphere is quickly changing, eroding the life support systems that have allowed humans to ascend.

Unless we put into action policies and technologies that can cause a course correction in the very near future, species diversity will continue to plummet, with humans not only being the primary cause, but one of the victims. What can we do? Fungi, particularly mushrooms, offer some powerful, practical solutions, which can be put into practice now.”  - Paul Stamets

Sacred Earth Medicine is the Future of Healing.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic and extreme climate events, people are witnessing real-time the limitations of chemical, man-made pharmaceuticals, the ineffectiveness of our managed, for-profit corporate health care system and our interdependence on the vast ecosystem of which humans are an inextricably part of...

Today, we are entering a healing renaissance and along with it a new willingness to listen to the indigenous wisdom and readiness to embrace natural healing methods. 

Entheogenic medicines are:

  • Natural - not made in a lab

  • Effective

  • Nature's gift, accessible to all

  • Lasting

  • Effortless

  • Adaptogenic

  • Affordable

  • Possess very little to no side effects

  • Non-addictive or dependency forming


Effective. Harmless. Natural. ..So Why are Sacred Earth Medicines not yet legal?

The mechanistic industrial age was founded upon and proliferated with the mind-set of scarcity, private ownership, unquestioned order, paternalism and the cultivation of fear of anything that questioned the established power-structure.  The fledgling nation of the United States - still just 250 years old today - in many ways serves as the poster child of the era.

Despite being founded upon the principles of freedom from over-bearing British rule, white colonists quickly assumed and exacted power, entitlement and control over America's native peoples and indigenous cultures.  Now in the death throes of a dying age, we are seeing those qualities and hypocrisies painfully clearly right now... as well as the surfacing of how much inter-generational trauma and suffering the era has wrought.

The people most opposed to equality, freedom and rights for all are the same people who benefit most by maintaining the status quo... power based upon unchallenged entitlement, exploitation and power-over others.  The creeping xenophobia, blatant racism and increasingly forceful attempts to control immigrants, women and minorities are in direct proportion to the fear being experienced by those with privilege.  Their clinging to old ways and structures, cultural backlash and extreme violence are in direct proportion to the rising strength and empowered voices of those they would suppress.

It is right and true that our greatest healing gifts from Earth be rediscovered and distributed by those who have been most marginalized, under-valued, exploited and silenced in the mechanistic era:  women, indigenous peoples, minorities, immigrants, artists and healers. In their hands, natural medicines will be protected, respected and held sacred as a gift used for personal & planetary healing.

Why were psychedelics and sacred earth medicines made illegal in the 1960s?

The elevation and evolution of consciousness they inspire:

  • Threatens big Pharma, corporations, managed health care companies and those who profit from the existing system.

  • Threatens the current government power structure and political candidates who depend on big Pharma to fund their campaigns and lifestyles.  The current Senate Minority leader - Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky - receives the most financial backing from pharmaceutical companies than any other member of Congress.

  • Threatens the status quo and capitalist model of "work"... i.e. employees work for a paternalistic company in a narrowly defined job with assigned tasks... limiting creativity, personal responsibility, unique perspective, flexibility, adaptability and new ideas.

  • Sacred earth medicines are nature's invention, and man cannot patent, own, control or profit from nature (though they are trying!)

Across history we see examples of the way those in power control, punish and erase those rights and practices that would disrupt... More harmlessly, they make fun of it, condescend and label it crazy.  Next they control it, send it away, silence or abolish it.  And when truly desperate they incite and inspire fear around it, criminalize and demonize it.

Modern examples of the groundswell of progress surround us….

#MeToo.  Black Lives Matter. Dismantling the NRA. Exposing Human Trafficking. The Decriminalization of Cannabis and Psychedelics.  Recognizing Climate Change & Extreme Climate Events.  Pandemics Revealing the Fragility of our Health.

All of these events and movements are part of the Resistance... wave after wave bringing us closer to the shore of collective reckoning and the long-in-coming renaissance of healing.


About Your Guide: Kayse Gehret

  • 25+ years in the healing arts with a background in somatic therapy, Reiki, hypnotherapy, energy medicine, contemplative practice and yoga

  • One of the top private practices in the country, working with countless celebrities, CEOs, musicians, artists and professional athletes

  • Featured by CNN and New York Times

  • Author of Body/Work: Careers in Massage Therapy (2010)

  • Editor's choice for top Massage Therapist by Allure Magazine

  • Founder of Soulstice Mind + Body Spa — Northern California-based healing arts studios offering meditation, yoga, massage therapy, sound healing and plant medicine

  • Editor's choice for Top Studio by San Francisco Magazine

  • Founder of Best Practices Healing Collective & Mastermind

  • A passionate advocate for natural-based health, sustainable business, innate healing, and empowering people to live their fullest most vibrant lives

Ready to become part of a movement?


Ready to begin??  

The first step is gaining a rich education and familiarity with medicinal mushrooms & earth medicine.  We invite you to apply to join us for our MICRODOSING FOR HEALING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT online course & transformation program.

Enrollment in the private, application-only program will grant you full access to the Course, supportive Virtual Group Coaching, private Resources and Community, and special Guest expertise.

Two distinct program tracks are available: A six-week deep dive, intimate group intensive program offered seasonally, or a self-guided community program you can join right away!

  • What will I learn?

  • Is it for me?

  • Am I ready?

  • How do I know if I'm a good fit for this course?

...Let me help you decide! 

  • Do you want to learn more about the rich history of psychedelics and sacred earth medicine for vibrant health, potent creativity and expansion of consciousness?

  • Do you desire to grow, explore and deepen your personal healing in a supportive, private container?

  • Would you like a natural way to build resiliency and weather life's uncertainties and crises with grace and intention?

  • Are you open-minded, curious and collaborative?

  • Do you currently live a healthy lifestyle, maintain a spiritual practice and eat a vibrant living-foods, plant-based diet?

  • Are you of sound health... mentally, physically and emotionally?

  • Do you use alcohol, drugs, and prescription drugs only minimally?

  • Are you committed to your own personal growth and healing among kindred spirits?

...If you answered "YES!" to most of these questions, then "Microdosing for Healing" will definitely be your cup of tea!

Who is this course NOT a good fit for:

  • Someone who is not open to a range of experiences, beliefs and perspectives.

  • Someone who believes sacred earth medicine and psychedelics should be illegal or controlled substances.

  • Someone who is mentally unstable, under psychiatric care or currently on contraindicated pharmaceutical medications.

  • Someone who believes earth medicine should only be accessible to certain groups of people.

  • Someone who doesn't like online learning or learning from videos or reading.

  • Someone who doesn't like being coached, guided or being supported in their personal growth.

  • Someone who is expecting the course to provide them with psychedelic compounds - this course is education-only and all students wishing to microdose are responsible for sourcing their own medicines.

Join us on the leading edge and future of wellness.

Learn, discover and heal within a powerful, step-by-step course and supportive community.  


Course Goals & Results


By the end of this fun, informative and interactive journey, self-guided course and virtual group coaching you'll:

  • Know if Microdosing is right for you personally.

  • Be able to speak with confidence about Microdosing and its benefits physically, mentally and emotionally

  • Receive personal access and support in group coaching & community calls

  • Fully step into owning your voice, purpose and confidence

  • Feel inspired and supported in your growth & personal development

  • Make new friends & colleagues and feel part of a movement - you are not alone!

  • Enjoy free bonus supplemental materials: podcasts, videos and expert interviews

Enrollment in the course will provide you with access to the course as well as fun & inspiring community coaching calls held virtually.



Course Curriculum

  • Accepted enrollment in the course will grant you full access to the Course as well as valuable, unique virtual Group Coaching.

  • 20-Hours of Self-Guided Online Modules available 24/7... enjoy learning at your own pace!  Space it out in bite-sized chunks daily, or take a deep dive for a couple hours a few times a week.

  • 100% Digital ~ Learn at home, on-the-go, from anywhere in the world on your own schedule.

  • Fun, interactive and mixed media course work including reading, journaling, prerecorded videos, and podcasts... all accessible through an easy-to-access private portal.

  • Progress Guides help keep you on track and note completion of modules.

  • Entirely online!  No in-person meetings, no travel, and all 20+ hours of video lessons are pre-recorded.  No need to log-in at a specific time or worry about falling behind - learn on your own time, when you want to, as you want to!

  • Live-group support and community calls with group participants.

  • Innovative course material on a nascent, inspiring and revolutionary topic.


Have More Questions?

Let’s answer some frequently asked questions for you!

  • Can I get in trouble for taking this course?  Is it legal? - No, you will not get in trouble!  This course is strictly informational and educational.  If you wish to begin a microdosing protocol prior, during or after your course completion it will be up to you to source sacred medicine.  The course will provide you with extensive knowledge about microdosing and help prepare you if you choose to experience its healing for yourself.

  • I don't have a lot of free time - will I have time to devote to this program? - Yes!  The program is intentionally self-guided and intended to be adapted to all learning and lifestyles.  Experience it in just fifteen minutes a day, or dive in for a few hours once a week.  Bite-size chunks or binge away, it's up to you!  The visual course tracker automatically embedded into the program will help you track your progress.  The program is designed to fit YOUR life's pace and rhythm.

  • Do I get lifetime access?  How long will I get access to the course?  How long may I participate in the group coaching calls? - We currently offer two distinct offerings… Our six-week group intensive is offered seasonally and provides six weeks of course access, six weekly group coaching calls and bonus workshops & offerings. Our self-guided & community option is offered year-round and provides ongoing course access and monthly coaching calls. Group intensive participants who would like to continue participating beyond six weeks have complimentary access to our ongoing Community.

  • I live outside of the USA or in another time zone. Can I still take this course? - Yes, absolutely!  All of the course content is self-guided in writing and prerecorded videos so you can read and view the material any time of day.  We offer our group coaching calls at both day and evening times in order to accommodate different time zones.

  • I'm not big into group participation and prefer solo learning.  Do I have to attend the group coaching calls to complete the course? - No, attendance at calls is always optional, but I encourage you to at least give them a try!  In my experience, most healers are introverts and pause when faced with groups... but you will learn so much and might be surprised at how much you enjoy connecting with kindred spirits!  If you are sensitive or tend to march to the beat of your own drum, trust me: you’ll fit right in. If you are nervous regarding the group calls, please know you're always welcome to attend and just listen at first.  You'll never need to talk or share unless you'd like to!

  • Are you the right teacher for me? - Only you can decide that!  I always encourage people to listen to their intuition and heart... if you are drawn here, to this material and topic, in this transformational moment, there's a reason for it.  Trust yourself!

  • Are there any other costs associated with the course that are additional? - No, the course pricing is all-inclusive.

  • Where is the course hosted? - The course is hosted on our cloud-based online school on Teachable.  It is accessible 24/7 on your desktop, iPad and even your smartphone!  You don't have to download or store anything... all you need is your personal user account and login. The Group Coaching Calls are held on Zoom.

  • Do I get personal access to you during the Course? - Yes, I am present and personally lead all of our Group Coaching Community Calls in the Immersion Program and lead most calls in the Community Program. I love personally supporting you & answering all your questions - the Community calls are always everyone’s favorite part of our programs!

  • What is the total investment for the complete program experience? - The Microdosing for Healing Immersion Course is $1497 and is offered seasonally. Payment plans are available.

  • I have a high-profile career and I can’t do group programs. Is a 1:1 option available? - Kayse has worked with many celebrities, CEOs, professional athletes and musicians; she understands that group coaching isn’t possible for everyone. On a select basis, Kayse works 1:1 with individuals in a highly personalized, individual program.

  • When will the six-week immersion course be offered next? Life is ever-changing and we cannot guarantee this exact program w/ coaching will be available again. We encourage you invest in yourself, commit to your growth and join us!

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Begin today!

Your individual growth & healing for our world has never been more important!

I'm honored to support you in your growth and flourishing - both personally and professionally - in all ways…

"Microdosing for Healing" Course & Group Coaching Program is like nothing else out there... giving you an intimate education on microdosing distilled into easily accessible and practical knowledge plus one-of-a-kind group coaching!

You'll learn YEARS worth of knowledge in just a few month’s time.  Enrollment in the course will grant you full access to the Course as well as irreplaceable Community, Connection & Group Coaching.

Apply today to begin a new chapter with intention and possibility!

Let Microdosing transform you. Apply to Enroll now!


True transformation, without the Huge Price Tag…

By experiencing the Microdosing for Healing course and group coaching program, you'll receive incredible, life-changing benefits without the huge price tag. 

Hiring me to teach you this material one:one would cost you SO much more...

Let's break it down:

20 Hours of teaching at $600/Hour (my private consulting rate) is $12,000

6 Hours of group coaching at $600/Session is $3600

So even without the group coaching component - where I engage and respond to your questions - if you wanted to get as much access to me live, answering your questions and teaching in response to what you’re going through in the present moment, as well as all course content…

It would cost you $15,600.

So that’s decades of experience, wisdom, content and calls - valued at $15K+ - which you’re getting for a fraction of the cost!

 And the new friendships, connections and community you’ll get access to?

Absolutely priceless.

Will you join us??

I'm in!  What Happens Next?

STEP 1:  Apply for the course program! We’ll review your application as soon as possible. Please note your information is always confidential and never sold or shared.

STEP 2: Upon acceptance, you’ll be able to pay and secure your place in the course.

STEP 3:  You'll receive a Welcome Email along with more details about gaining access to the Group Coaching Calls.

STEP 4:  On the date of the immersion course launch, you'll automatically be added to the Microdosing for Healing Course on Teachable - our easy-to-use online school platform - and invited to make a unique log-in and passcode to keep your course private and secure. 

See you inside the course!

I look forward to seeing you inside the program!

There has never been a better moment to begin to transform your life and the world around you.

A lot can happen in just a few months, and distinct containers of time give you power, momentum and focus.  My goal is to help you show up for yourself, take meaningful action and show results in a relatively short amount of time.  Since you’ll have access to the course content, group coaching and community ongoing, you'll have plenty of time to absorb all the material and benefit immensely from the learning and support.

The way you approach your process will be uniquely you, based on your goals, priorities and personal life.  Always, I will be there with you every step of the way, supporting and encouraging you in your journey.

Congratulations on stepping into transformation, growth and investing in your personal healing - welcome to our family!