Clearing our Lens of Perception
"We do not see the world as it is - we see it as we are." Anaïs Nin
✨ Our reality is a reflection of our internal world --- just as energy creates matter, our internal resonance creates the reality of our lives.
As we heal, our energy and resonance become lighter, more spacious and free... our daily practices clearing the lens of perception and creating coherence between our mind, body and heart.♥️
As you heal, you can more readily see that much of the human world moves through life as a jumble of unhealed, unexamined and incoherent projection. Suspicion, jealousy, shame, scarcity, judgement, fear, competition, limitation... when we're running on this bag of tricks day in, day out, the world we perceive becomes this reality. Narratives of fear and lack grab hold of our earliest wounds, and until we change the channel and heal we cannot sense, vision or create new possibilities for our lives.✨
In the healing professions, we talk a lot about 'set' and 'setting,' preparation and creating the healing container --- by extending these concepts into our daily lives, we can uplevel our frequency, energetic resonance and tune into a different vibration. What and who are we surrounding ourselves with? Where is our attention and focus going? Are we steeping ourselves daily in beauty, safety and gratitude, or are we dialing into fear, distrust and separation?
As we envision new possibility, frameworks and foundations for our lives and communities we must first shed our outdated, heavy operating systems and programming. Our creative reality - the way we interact with others and move through the world - is a reflection of our internal world. Healing potentiates a new story, re-connects us with possibility and liberates us to express, create and perceive the world from a brighter, more expansive and original consciousness. ✨