Healing, Forward and Backward
Of all the diverse reflections I receive once people begin earth medicine practice, a common one that always breaks my heart a little is "Gosh, I SO WISH I’d done this personal work earlier in life/before I had children/thirty years ago."
Once people begin their journey of healing - growing, maturing and expanding - it's hard not to look back on your 'old self' and former life with some amount of regret. We can be so hard ourselves - lamenting unconscious choices, years spent in misaligned relationships, stuck in petty immaturity, or living lives up until now based on our wounding & insecurities.
But here's the thing: When we heal, we heal in the present... but we also heal far, far into the future... into future generations and all the lives our spirit will intertwine with now and forever into the future. We also heal on behalf of our past... we heal, stretch back and transmute ancestral trauma, epigenetic imprinting, and can find a new compassion for our ancestors. We expand and grow to forgive those who have harmed us, and forgive ourselves for those we have harmed. We recast the past as the story it is, and reclaim our present - our spirit & identity - as sovereign and our own.
"When" it happens is far less important than our trust in that it's possible. Healing is a journey we're all on together, but each in our own perfect timing. Beyond our conditioned & logical mind, healing doesn't adhere to limits of conventional “time” --- every step we take toward our own healing in present time radiates out from us in all directions, elevating our current reality, but also healing our future and past. When we begin healing, we're free to create a new story, make choices that come from love and possibility, and model a new way of living and being for our children.
It is never too late to begin.