The Antidote is the Opposite: Nature’s Way of Healing

*Anna had just emerged from her massage and she leaned in over the front desk counter to whisper her feedback. "She was lovely, and did really thoughtful and complete work... but you should never book her with a man."

I smiled. *Dana, her therapist, was frequently requested by a very long list of repeat clients, many men among them. "Why's that?"

"She's way too gentle. Men will be disappointed if they don't get the really deep work. They like to get beat up!"

I think it's in our human nature to assume we will sync best with people, energy and practices that are exactly like ourselves - it's easy to gravitate what is most known & familiar to us. But when we heal, it's often the opposite - what we are most lacking - that is our antidote and that which brings us into balance.

Many of *Dana's male clients at our studio worked pressure-cooker jobs in high tech or finance. 14-16 hour work days spent mostly with other men, in highly competitive, forceful, analytical, and relentless work environments. While hard, pushing bodywork 'might' feel familiar, in reality what they most needed was softness, receptivity, feminine energy and ease to heal and balance their bodies, minds and spirits.

Often, it's our Opposite that is our Antidote.

In our healing programs, we witness the magical way Nature speaks and brings healing to people in its ancient, wise way...

Quiet, people-pleasing, submissive people suddenly find their voice and a massive wave of personal expression and sovereignty unfurls.

Overworked, overly pressured perfectionists suddenly yearn for naps, early bedtimes and soft, idle and spacious mornings.

Children who grew up too fast - armored, resilient, with an independence forged by survival - become able to soften, exhale and begin releasing decades of pain stored in their body through tears.

Nature teaches us that often what we most need is that which has been most missing in our lives. That our fatigue, our irritability, our grief are all signs & symptoms of our deepest healing. Our emotions & physical responses are clues and nature's way of bringing us into a greater balance and back home to ourselves. Just as fire needs air, and earth needs water - we too need our opposite energies to bring about healing, coherence and wholeness.


Leading as a Stronger, Truer You.


Clearing our Lens of Perception