Healing Across Generations
At different stages of life, people need different support... as we expand our frameworks and models for healing - and recognize those differences - we can create pathways for healing that address the unique stages of life.
In young adulthood, we're still discovering who we are... separating from our parents' narratives, patterns and conditioning and discovering what is uniquely ours. One of the greatest gifts we can give young adults is to witness and see them - seeing their talents + potential before they can see it in themselves.
As we enter into adulthood with a stronger sense of self, we can create the conditions to grow - as individuals, in relationship, in our communication and interpersonal relationships. We can learn the skills and practices to resource ourselves and heal old wounds, find forgiveness and express our soul purpose in meaningful ways. As we come to know ourselves authentically, our lives feel aligned and integrated; we have the skills, support & sense of self to delve deeply into our personal healing.
As we move into our elder years, all of the healing we have done - or not done - will reveal itself with truth and clarity. Whether in our physical bodies, relationships, mental health, sense of purpose and connection... all the seeds we've planted and cultivated in our lives grow ready for harvest, a deeper healing and ability to weave all our life wisdom together in an integrated and embodied way.
There is a rich sweetness to reviewing our lives and sharing our lessons with others. Our microdosing community spans the country and brings together indviduals across the generations - to witness, heal, learn, and meet one another at all stages of life. Learning each others' hopes and dreams - sharing our journeys in community - creates ripples of growth, healing, possibility and transformation across the arc of life.