Microdosing, Addiction, and the Power of Connection with Dr. Rick Barnett, Vanessa Crites, and Joe Schock

What does it mean to truly recover from addiction? In this episode, we explore this question with Dr. Rick Barnett, Vanessa Crites, and Joe Schock, who bring their unique perspectives and extensive experience in addiction recovery. Dr. Rick Barnett, a licensed psychologist and addiction specialist, shares his journey from addiction to becoming a leading expert in psychotherapy and psychedelic-assisted therapy. Vanessa Crites, founder of "Sobriety of the Soul," discusses the integration of psychedelics into sober living, offering a bridge between traditional recovery models and the potential of psychedelics for holistic well-being. Joe Schock, founder of Casa Vista Transitional Living for Men, provides insights into how alternative medicine and innovative techniques can support everyone in their recovery journeys.

You'll learn about the common misconceptions around addiction and how we can re-frame it moving forward. Discover the importance of understanding that everyone's sober journey is different and the role of community in addiction recovery. We'll discuss the stigma around plant medicine, which plant medicines are appropriate for those dealing with addiction, and why it is essential to do your own research. Listen in to hear how we can create a supportive environment that values connection and education in the journey to recovery.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • The common misconceptions around addiction.

  • How we can re-frame addiction moving forward.

  • The importance of remembering everyone's sober journey is different.

  • The stigma around plant medicine and how we can help people overcome this.

  • The difference plant medicines that are available.

  • Which plant medicines are appropriate for those dealing with addiction.

  • The importance of doing your own research and work.

  • Why we must help those in recovery with education.

  • How community can be a game-changer for addiction recovery.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “The opposite of addiction is not recovery. The opposite of addiction is connection.” - Vanessa Crites

  • “Lead with your heart. Talk about the elephant in the room. Ask the questions and be open to the response, even if it’s not what you want to hear. Love one another and be there for each other.” - Joe Schock

  • “Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We need to bring all voices to the table and everyone needs to be heard. We also all have our blind spots so let’s not step on each other’s toes.” - Dr. Rick Barnett


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