Q&A: Solo Journeys, Sourcing, Taking Breaks and Getting Curious

Today, we are celebrating our anniversary at the Microdosing for Healing podcast with a special episode dedicated to answering your most commonly asked questions. This episode will be packed with practical advice, whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your practice. You’ll learn why the source of your mushrooms matters, the importance of having a support system, and how nature's intentionality can guide your healing process.

Listen in as I cover a range of essential topics, including when (and if) mushrooms can expire, the benefits of working with fresh mushrooms, and how to determine your initial dose. I also share where to source your mushrooms, whether it's better to journey alone or with a guide, tips for talking to an apprehensive spouse, and more.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • When (and if) mushrooms can expire.

  • Why we choose to work with fresh mushrooms.

  • How to determine your dose when microdosing for the first time.

  • Where you should get mushrooms.

  • Whether you can journey alone or if it is better to have a guide.

  • If menstrual cycles can impact your practice.

  • How to talk to your apprehensive spouse about microdosing.

  • How to start your microdosing journey if you are incredibly busy.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “The source of the medicine matters immensely. Not only how it was grown, where it was grown, or who it was grown by, but also who holds it, who touches it, and who imprints upon it. All of that is very important.” - Kayse Gehret

  • “Yes, you can journey alone, I just really encourage you to do it with support, education, a strong sense of relationship with the medicine and also have a community around you of colleagues, a psychedelic society, integration circles, or a microdosing buddy that you’re practicing with to make sure you’re grounded and resourced.” - Kayse Gehret

  • “Get curious because nature and [plant medicine] are very wise. There is nothing that nature does that is not intentional.” - Kayse Gehret


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