Psychedelic Integration: Transforming Life and Self with Greg Lawrence

Greg Lawrence, Psychedelic Integration and Transformational Coach, joins the show to share the profound journey of psychedelic integration. The psychedelic experience itself can be life-altering, but the real change happens when you dive into the process of integrating these experiences. It's about exploring the insights, realizations, and sensations that emerge during your journey, delving deep to uncover the lessons they hold, and then taking transformative actions. While the initial effects of psychedelics may wear off, the majority of their benefits unfold in the afterglow, making you feel like anything is possible.

Greg shares his expertise in psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), integrative coaching, meditation, breath work, and energy/body work, coupled with his personal experiences using psychedelics for spiritual growth. Learn the art of reframing life events, the synergy of NLP and psychedelics, and the secrets of neuroplasticity that can lead to a more fulfilled and engaged life. You'll gain an understanding of the life lessons embedded within psychedelic experiences, the dynamics of working with psychedelics and addiction, and how neuroplasticity can transform your life.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • What Neuro-Linguistic Programming is.

  • How we can reframe the things that have happened to us.

  • How NLP works together with psychedelics.

  • The value in varying your behavior every single day.

  • The reality of working with psychedelics and addiction.

  • How to decide between one-on-one work and group work.

  • The importance of doing the work after you do the psychedelic journey.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “NLP explains what happens between external stimuli and your response.” - Greg Lawrence

  • “There is something to varying your behavior just a little bit that will cause you to be more engaged and more present. Noticing what’s new and different every day will cause you to live longer, be happier, and cause people to react more positively to you.” - Greg Lawrence

  • “Neuroplasticity is a two-way street. When you’re done your brain says ‘What are we doing?’ And if you go back to what you were doing before, your brain says ‘Got it. Don’t worry, I know exactly what we’re doing.’ So neuroplasticity means I have to do something different.” - Greg Lawrence


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