Sharing the Medicines

In your journey as a healing artist or coach in the realm of the healing arts, you might find yourself drawn to incorporate microdosing into your practice. In this episode, I'll explain the next steps you can take to seamlessly integrate this powerful approach and the reasons why earth medicine—including microdosing—is on the path to becoming a mainstream healing tool. I'll also discuss the profound advantages of microdosing with a guide, emphasizing how this approach can be incredibly beneficial for both you and your clients.

Listen in as I share how incorporating microdosing into your healing practice can enhance the results for those you are guiding on their healing journey, as well as how cultivation can make this transformative medicine more accessible while empowering individuals. You’ll learn about the process of introducing microdosing into your practice, the challenges of standardizing healing practices, and the inherent value of creativity in the world of earth medicine.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • Why I believe earth medicine will become mainstream eventually.

  • Where to begin when incorporating plant medicine into your practice.

  • Why microdosing with a guide is so much more beneficial.

  • How incorporating microdosing into your healing practice can benefit you.

  • The benefit of working with emotions.

  • Why healing is so hard to standardize.

  • How to market your practice.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “Everyone moves through their practice in their own unique and divine timing, and it is important to honor that.” - Kayse Gehret

  • “Your mind and your spirit can be open, but if you don’t take the necessary steps to make the changes in your external reality, you’re going to be missing so much as part of the process.” - Kayse Gehret

  • “Cultivation is a beautiful way to make the medicine work accessible and also to empower people going forward.”- Kayse Gehret


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